I Love this gold and silver themed New Years Eve party with clocks, and clock faces. I don't know what it is, but I love clocks :)) The bowls are filled with inexpensive gold and silver bead necklaces.
I really like the plates with clock faces on them so I've decided to give you some clock face images that you can transfer onto paper plates or white melamine (plastic) plates.
You will need full sheet sticker paper (from the office supply store) for your computer printer
Here is a classic black & white clock face, you will need to adjust the size of the image on your computer to match the size of your plate. Once you have the size of the clock face where you want it, just print it out on the sticker paper and carefully press the image onto your plates. Trim the excess paper off and there you have it.Here is a Sepia toned clock face for a more vintage look that would go nicely with gold.
Mix & Match your clock face paper plates in with gold, silver, and white plates and you have a fun and elegant table setting for New Years Eve.
Cut out stars from card stock then brush with craft glue and generously sprinkle with gold or silver glitter. Hang these from your chandelier and in your doorways, it will add a magical touch to the evening
Set out vases of candy wrapped in silver and gold, how fun!
Place vintage alarm clocks around the party to go off at midnight
To make these golden smores, brush the tops with corn syrup then dip them in raw sugar and edible gold glitter (available at your hobby store).Happy New Year!